
Saturday, September 9, 2023

Time Event  
14:00 - 14:10 Welcome - Dr Marie-Claude Potier  
14:10 - 14:20 Introduction to GO-DS21 : Gene Overdosage and comorbidities during the early lifetime in Down Syndrome - Dr Yann Herault  
14:20 - 14:35 New discoveries on obesity development in Down syndrome and how it influences cognition - Dr Rafael de la Torre  
14:35 - 14:45 The National Diagnostic and Care Protocols of individuals with Down syndrome in France - Dr Damien Sanlaville  
14:45 - 14:55 The current landscape of Down syndrome diagnosis and care in Spain - Dr Agustin Matia  
14:55 - 15:05 The voice from the Parent’s Association: a Concerted European Strategy for Down syndrome - Pat Clarke  
15:05 - 15:40 Coffee break  
15:40 - 16:40 - Propositions de nouvelles recommandations et discussion sur leur mise en œuvre /Proposals for new recommendations and discussion about implementation  
16:40 - 16:50 Concluding remarques - Dr Yann Herault  
17:00 - 17:00 End of Meeting - NA  
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